Author: David Salustri
Top 3 Cover Letter Fails
July 14, 2015
Remember when we told you that you need a cover letter? Well, now we're going to show you three examples of cover letters gone horribly wrong. #3 Hello from California… (FYI: The …
Medication Tips
May 20, 2015
4 Tips To Take Your Medication Right When I talk about medication compliance with my students, I always ask them to raise their hands if they have taken an antibiotic within …
Go To The Dentist Today
April 11, 2015
People usually wait to go to the dentist until they have a really bad tooth ache. This probably means they have an abscessed tooth or decay has finally got to …
Technology and Job Searching
January 28, 2015
4 Ways Technology has Changed the Job Search It’s 1995 and the internet is still a budding force in our lives, kind of like the second cousin we only see during …
Kitty Proof Your Christmas Tree
December 8, 2014
5 Ways to Save Your Christmas Tree from your Cat The glimmering lights and decorations on your Christmas tree are a beautiful way to celebrate the season to you, to your …
A Surg Techs Role during a Code Blue
December 1, 2014
Code Blue and the Surgery Tech Have you ever visited a patient in the hospital or been the patient and heard a "Code Blue" page over the intercom? Code Blue is …
Q&A on Aging Pets
September 16, 2014
6 Common Questions About Aging Pets Answered It is an unfortunate truth that our pets’ age faster than we do, but not all pets age at the same rate. Small breed dogs …
When to Hire a Lawyer
August 7, 2014
Not every legal mater requires you to seek legal representation, like fighting a speeding ticket or small claims court, but some do. You may not even realize that a personal …
Legal Knowledge Is Useful Knowledge
April 1, 2014
When you have a legal education, you realize how much law plays into our daily lives. You also realize two other important things: you then know where to look for …
Discounts on Pet Food
January 6, 2014
Tips To Save On Pet Food Americans spend over a billion on their pets and food. Like most pet owners, I know that purchasing pet food can really take a bite …