Author: David Salustri
Tweet your Way into a Job
April 28, 2014
Social Media Job Hunting When it comes to job search strategies right now social media is all the buzz! Everyone’s talking about using social media for job-hunting. But how, exactly, should …
Need for Quality Teachers
February 28, 2014
Teachers Needed - You Could Be Their Solution! So much is taken into consideration when educators determine what each specific child needs educationally, socially, & developmentally. They want to make sure …
Doggie Do Do’s & Don’ts
November 13, 2013
What to do with Dog Doo got poop? Now, here are the acceptable methods of disposal: Throw it in the trash, provided your municipality allows it. (Some towns have special disposal requirements.) Plastic …
Why You Need A Dog
November 11, 2013
Amazing Facts That Prove You Need A Dog In Your Life Dogs are more than a companion and they can do some truly remarkable things. They Empathize With Human Pain Source: Goldsmiths College …
House Break Your Dog
September 24, 2013
Tips To House Break Your Dog POTTY TRAINING BASICS 1. Confinement 2. Training 3. Timing 4. Praise Have a designated spot for your dog to go to the bathroom. Make sure you let him know …
Happy Hands Education Center
September 13, 2013
There is a wonderful center, located in the heart of Tulsa, Oklahoma called Happy Hands Education Center. This center is for families with children who are deaf or hard of …
Surviving Extern: Being Assertive vs. Aggresive
August 30, 2013
Being assertive means that you express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view, while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others. Being assertive can also help …
Reasons for LinkedIn
May 24, 2013
Think You Don’t Need LinkedIn? 10 Reasons Why You Do There are a lot of very good reasons to invest a little time on LinkedIn. Here are just 10 of them. …
Creative Development in Children
May 11, 2013
Developing Creativity in Kids When a child is young, they are full of innocence... Innocence and vulnerability. Everything is new. Anything is possible. Children are not limited to a certain way …
Paralegal Qualities
April 23, 2013
What Qualities Make A Good Paralegal Maybe you’re trying to decide whether you are a good candidate for a paralegal program. You may be asking yourself, “Do I have what it …