Pet Urinary Tract Infections

December 11, 2013

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During winter months there are increased number of dogs with urinary tract infections. The main reason is frigid temperatures, snow and ice which make your pet think twice? Our pets tend to drink less, hold it longer or have accidents inside the house and need forcing to go outside.

Blood in the urine is easily seen in snow which leads to more undetected urinary tract infections during the warmer seasons. When a dog or cat has a urinary bladder infection they usually need to urinate more frequently and may strain and pass small amounts. This is due to a feeling of urgency and discomfort.

Some dogs will have accidents in the house, and some cats may urinate outside of the litter box. There are a small number of animals that will not exhibit obvious symptoms. Infections in these animals may go undetected for long periods of time and urine does not always look bloody to the naked eye.

Male cats that are straining to urinate need to be examined quickly if they are not passing urine. They may develop a blockage in the urethra from gritty material produced in the bladder. This could lead to shock and death., but female cats almost never get urinary blockages due to the wider urethral opening.

Simple urinary tract infections usually respond well to antibiotic therapy. Rechecking the urine under the microscope after medicines are completed helps to determine if the infection has been successfully treated. Pets with recurrent infections or those that do not respond to antibiotic therapy may need further testing to determine the cause of the problem and cats may need to have a medical diet for chronic urinary problems.

For any urinary issues or concerns with your pets. Please visit or talk to your local veterinarian.

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Monday – Thursday 7:30AM – 10:00PM
Friday – 7:30AM – 5:00PM
4242 South Sheridan
Tulsa, OK 74145
Phone number: (918) 610-0027
Fax number: (918) 610-0029

3 thoughts on “Pet Urinary Tract Infections”

  1. Well I think you should watch your animal pee to see if there blood just in case your pet got ahold of something they shouldn’t have

  2. I think for dogs you need to go out with them. Make sure they’re actually going when they need to and that they’re not peeing blood. And for cats make sure you have an extra litter box or make sure you clean it more than normal.

  3. This is very informational! Ever since starting this class I watch them all potty all the time now! I think they all look at me like “privacy please…” 🙂