Why Is Proper Coding Important in the Medical Billing Process?

May 29, 2023

Are you interested in a career working with data in the medical field? Then consider becoming a medical biller and coder.

In this role, you would play a vital role in a healthcare facility by processing patient information accurately.

At Community Care College, we offer a medical billing and coding program designed just for you.

Let’s discuss how medical billing and coding works.

How it Works

When a patient visits a healthcare provider, they are required to fill out paperwork that includes personal and financial details. This confidential information needs to be stored in a safe place that can be accessed by appropriate personnel.

As a medical biller and coder, you would be responsible for entering this information. Medical billers and coders translate coded information recorded by the medical provider to determine the patient’s bill for the visit and what portion the insurance company would be responsible for paying.

Importance of Proper Coding in Medical Billing

Medical codes determine what services are covered under a patient’s medical policy. Proper coding for medical billing is important because it tells the patient and the insurance company what they are responsible for financially.

If the code is not correctly input into the system, it could affect the billing process, causing payment delays or even rejection.

Types of Medical Codes

There are five major types of coding you will learn when enrolled at Community Care College. A few include:

ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes– the International Classification of Diseases, in its 10th revision, is used in medical facilities when assigning codes to different diagnoses. You can use the ICD-10-CM for outpatient services and ICD-10-PCS for hospital billing.

Treatment Codes– these codes define the treatment and services provided in a hospital to address a specific condition. You can use Level I for physician services and Level II for non-physician services and supplies.

Treatment Code modifiers– these codes are used in situations where a medical procedure is performed differently than described in the stipulated five-digit code.

If you are interested in becoming a medical biller and coder it’s important to know and understand each code system. At Community Care College, our medical billing and coding program is set up to assist students in training for a fulfilling career as well as prepare them to take the MBC certification exam.

We go through each subject matter at length to discuss every specialty in coding through a robust curriculum that includes the most recent coding standards by the World Health Organization, ICD-10.

Contact us today to learn more about how to get started.