Author: David Salustri
MAs and Nurses Are Not Surgical Technologists
December 12, 2018
Surgical Technologists, Medical Assistants, and Nurses Work Together My name is Lita and I’m a surgical technologist. You may think being in the middle of surgery would be scary, but those …
Motor Skill Activities
June 26, 2018
Summer Fine Motor Skill Activities Fine motor skills involve using the smaller muscles in the wrists, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. These tiny muscles are very important for a child’s development …
Picky Eaters 101
December 18, 2017
From the desk of Shani Snell, Early Childhood Education Department Head: Although picky eaters can be in almost any age group. We generally see a larger percentage in the 1 to …
National K9 Veterans Day
March 13, 2017
National K9 Veterans Day From the desk of our Veterinary Assisting department: Don’t forget about all of the 4 legged heroes when being thankful for this wonderful country we live in. National K9 Veterans …
Six Steps for Informational Interviewing
June 15, 2016
Is there a career field you are curious about? Is there a specialty in your field of study that you’d like to get more information on? Then an informational interview …
Community HigherEd partners with Tulsa Teachers Credit Union
June 12, 2016
Community HigherEd (CHE) is now a part of the field membership program at Tulsa Teachers Credit Union (TTCU). Customers of TTCU can now choose CHE as their school pride card …
Lunch Break Workouts
May 2, 2016
7 Benefits of Working Out on Your Lunch Break If you have a particularly busy schedule before and after work, taking a mid-day break from your desk for a little exercise …
Fear of the Dentist
March 29, 2016
An Easy Way to Fight Your Fear of the Dentist How many of you have an absolute fear of something? This could be a fear of spiders, clowns, the IRS, or …
Date Your Career
September 4, 2015
How to Date Your Career Networking is a term that many people dread. Like eating healthy; we know it’s good for us but not always the easiest to do! Another great …
Teeth Grinding
August 10, 2015
Do You Grind Your Teeth Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or sore teeth? What about headaches or earaches? If you do you are probably grinding …