Foods to NOT Give your Pet

November 25, 2013

Avoid Feeding Your Pets Bad Food

On Thanksgiving-Stuff The Turkey-Not The Dog!

The Thanksgiving Dinner

A wonderful time of coming together with friends and family.  It can also be a time when folks can’t resist slipping your dog a little bit of the Thanksgiving Feast from the table or even after dinner while clearing up. There are so many opportunities for your dog to eat something that can make them feel pretty bad or even cause more harm.

Turkey Skin

On its own, turkey skin can be fatty and hard to digest, 

but on Thanksgiving it’s particularly bad (just think of the butter, oils and spices rubbed into it). If you must share the turkey with your dog, do peel the skin off and cut the meat up into bite-sized pieces. Also, consider choosing the white meat over the dark for your pooch – it’s a little blander and easier to digest. 

Cooked Bones 

Whether your bird is duck, goose or turkey, do not give the bones to your dog. Any dog cartoon features Fido carrying a bone around in his mouth, but the reality is that a cooked bone is often brittle an

d sharp pieces can get lodged in your dog’s intestine. Bird bones are hollow and break easily.

Gravy/Buttery Side Dishes 

This one goes hand-in-hand with the turkey skin. Fatty foods and trimmings can cause Pancreatitis in dogs at worst and diar

rhea or vomiting at “best.” Try substituting gravy with a little turkey broth if you really want to give your pup a treat. 

 Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap

 Dispose of these when you’re done with them. There are two risks here: one, your pet will be licking the fatty substances off the wrappings, and two, swallowing these can cause an intestinal obstruction. 


Not that we think that you would intentionally feed your dog chocolate (which we all know can be toxic to our canine friends), but since candy is often left out on tables for guests during the holiday

s, it made the list. Be sure to keep bowls filled with chocolate and other candies out of vision and out of reach of your dog. 
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The Garbage Can 

 A frustrated pet who can’t get a scrap out of his usually-generous parents may be tempted to dig around the trash bin and find a good number of the items listed above. 

The Kitchen 

Thanksgiving can be the busiest day of the year for the kitchen and you’ll want to keep your pup out of there. With hot dishes being whisked from one counter to the next, there’s a chance a dog 

that’s under foot could be burned or cut if something were to shatter. 

Holiday Plants 

Sure it’s Thanksgiving, but a good number of people have already decked the halls with holly by this time. Know that Poinsettias, holly berries, mistletoe and Cedar Christmas trees are toxic to dogs. 



Glass ornaments and candles are just begging for trouble. Like the chocolate, keep these out of reach of your dog. 

 Guests Who Mean Well

Educate your less pet-savvy visitors (and hey, maybe even send them this list). A child may accidentally feed a dog some chocolate and your great aunt might think she’s being nice by sharing her turkey skin.

Great tips to remember and share with your guests to help keep your dog or cat safe and happy during the upcoming holidays.  We’re wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season!

These great tips are from Janine Kahn at Dogster

Happy Thanksgiving To You and Your Pets!

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8 thoughts on “Foods to NOT Give your Pet”

  1. Thanks for the info about the turkey skin, I didn’t know that. Rosie and Romeo won’t be too happy this year though .

  2. It had alot of information about why we shouldn’t give our animals table scraps. I will share this with my friends.

  3. So many things could happen to our precious pooches in the blink of an eye, because not many people are aware that human foods are toxic to them! I can definitely see my little cousin sneaking something to her new puppies, so maybe I can convince her mom to keep them in their crates while everyone is eating. Great, informational blog, Danny!